FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom – list of accepted talks

This year was even more hard than previous years are we received 76 amazing submission ! 76 !!

The Committee had the difficult task to choose only 15 of them.

This is the list of the talks that were accepted:

FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom
TLS for MySQL at large scale Jaime Crespo
Experiences with testing dev MySQL versions and why it’s good for you Simon J Mudd
Turbo charging MySQL with Vitess Sugu Sougoumarane
 ProxySQL’s internal: implementation details to handle millions of connections and thousands of servers  René Cannaò
 MyRocks roadmaps and production deployment at Facebook  Yoshinori Matsunobu
 Let’s talk database optimizers  Vicentiu Ciorbaru
 Orchestrator on Raft: internals, benefits and considerations  Shlomi Noach
 Histogram support in MySQL 8.0  Øystein Grøvlen
 Beyond WHERE and GROUP BY  Sergei Golubchik
 Instant ADD COLUMN for InnoDB in MariaDB 10.3+  Valerii Kravchuk
 MySQL InnoDB Cluster – MySQL HA Made Easy!  Miguel Araújo
 MySQL 8.0 Performance: InnoDB Re-Design  Dimitri Kravtchuk
 MySQL 8.0 Roles – Giving direction to MySQLprivilege system  Giuseppe Maxia
 The MySQL Ecosystem – understanding it, not running away from it!  Colin Charles
 MySQL Test Framework for Support and Bugs Work  Sveta Smirnova

Thank you everybody: the committee, those that were accepted and those that were not accepted ! I hope to see you all in Brussels on February 4th !

And let’s hope next year we could have a second day for our FOSDEM MySQL & Friends devroom!