FOSDEM’19 MySQL, MariaDB & Friends DEVROOM Call for Papers is now open !

Good news ! The MySQL, MariaDB & Friends Devroom has been accepted for FOSDEM’19 ‘s edition as announced earlier!

This event is a real success story for the MySQL ecosystem; the content, the speakers and the attendees are growing every year.

The first big change for this 2019 edition is that the MariaDB Foundation (Ian) is joining my efforts to build this Devroom. Don’t forget that FOSDEM takes place in Belgium, and our motto is “l’Union fait la Force” [“Unity is Strength”].

FOSDEM 2019’s edition will take place 2nd & 3rd February in Brussels and our MySQL, MariaDB & Friends devroom will run on Saturday 2nd (may change). FOSDEM & MySQL/MariaDB is a love story started 19 years ago !

The committee selecting the content for our devroom is not yet created and if you want to be part of this experience, just send me an email (candidate at mysqlmariadbandfriends dot eu) before Oct 29th.

If you want to join the Committee you have to align with the following conditions:

  • planning to be present at FOSDEM
  • having a link with MySQL & MariaDB Ecosystem
  • have some time to review and rate talks
  • be an ambassador for the event by promoting it

The Call for Paper is now offcialy open and ends November 15th. You can submit now() your proposal using FOSDEM’s submission tool.

Marketing and Sales speeches are not welcome, focus on the engineering, the operations and of course the developers.

Don’t forget to specify the track (MySQL, MariaDB and Friends devroom) and set the duration to 20 mins (short but intense ;-) )!

Thank you, and see you soon in Brussels !


FOSDEM MySQL Community Dinner – Friday 2 Feb 2018 – Tickets Now Available!

FOSDEM is back in town, folks, and as usual, there will there be a MySQL and Friends Devroom. At this point, we can’t really remember what came first, was it the annual dinner or the devroom? Our memories of the past few years are particularly hazy on that…  Can’t imagine why.

Following a great tradition of dining together in style with members from all over the community, we have rented a by now familiar private space at ICAB, more detailed directions below.

A couple of things changed compared to the last couple of years. The community dinner will take place on Friday night 2 February, following the Pre FOSDEM MySQL Day, both in the same location.

Book your tickets now!!!

The listed ticket price includes a selection of Belgian Speciality Beers and food, which will be typical Belgian style (no ‘Italian’ Pizza!)

If you have any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free,…) please let us know ahead of time when buying the ticket as we need to inform the caterer who will make the necessary accommodations for you.

We’re looking forward to meeting you all again at Fosdem and the Community Dinner. See you then!

Once again, we want to thank our generous sponsors, whose help makes this affordable at such a great price.
Community Sponsors:

Wondering how to get there?

The venue itself is located very close to the VUB. A map is displayed below to help you plan your route.

The total distance from the heart of Brussels, Grand Place, is about 20 minutes by public transport, along the route of metro line 5 (closest stop: Petillon). Be sure to use Google/Apple/Your Preferred Maps to determine the best way to get there, though as both tram and bus lines are also an option.

FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom 2018 – schedule

The schedule of the next edition of the MySQL & Friends Devroom is now on-line also on the official FOSDEM website.

As you can see we by shrinking the last two talks (no break) we were able to add one extra session. The committee selected the next one, which mean I will have the honour to present again at FOSDEM too.

I hope you will enjoy this day. Don’t forget the MySQL Community Dinner (more to come soon about this on this website) and the extra free day organized by the MySQL Team on Friday (you need to register).

Here is a copy of the schedule, a full content of your favourite open source database and its friends/forks:


MysqL & Friends Community dinner 2018

  • Fosdem: Check
  • MySQL DEVroom: Check
  • Food: …

If you were worrying there , even for just a bit, please don’t ;) We are working on organizing the 2018 Edition of the  MySQL Community dinner!

We can already disclose that it will be held at ICAB again, the same location that was used previously and are targeting Friday February 2, following the Oracle Pre-Fosdem MySQL Day,  so come one, come all… but most of all, come hungry!!

Stay tuned, more updates will follow soon!

FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom – list of accepted talks

This year was even more hard than previous years are we received 76 amazing submission ! 76 !!

The Committee had the difficult task to choose only 15 of them.

This is the list of the talks that were accepted:

FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom
TLS for MySQL at large scale Jaime Crespo
Experiences with testing dev MySQL versions and why it’s good for you Simon J Mudd
Turbo charging MySQL with Vitess Sugu Sougoumarane
 ProxySQL’s internal: implementation details to handle millions of connections and thousands of servers  René Cannaò
 MyRocks roadmaps and production deployment at Facebook  Yoshinori Matsunobu
 Let’s talk database optimizers  Vicentiu Ciorbaru
 Orchestrator on Raft: internals, benefits and considerations  Shlomi Noach
 Histogram support in MySQL 8.0  Øystein Grøvlen
 Beyond WHERE and GROUP BY  Sergei Golubchik
 Instant ADD COLUMN for InnoDB in MariaDB 10.3+  Valerii Kravchuk
 MySQL InnoDB Cluster – MySQL HA Made Easy!  Miguel Araújo
 MySQL 8.0 Performance: InnoDB Re-Design  Dimitri Kravtchuk
 MySQL 8.0 Roles – Giving direction to MySQLprivilege system  Giuseppe Maxia
 The MySQL Ecosystem – understanding it, not running away from it!  Colin Charles
 MySQL Test Framework for Support and Bugs Work  Sveta Smirnova

Thank you everybody: the committee, those that were accepted and those that were not accepted ! I hope to see you all in Brussels on February 4th !

And let’s hope next year we could have a second day for our FOSDEM MySQL & Friends devroom!


FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom – Call for Papers ends December 1st !

Hi all,

The FOSDEM MySQL & Friends devroom Committee is now completed and you can find it on

As you can see some old friends are back in the Committee and we have also new names. As usual all big 3 MySQL distributions are present in the Committee and several Community Members are completing the list.

Back to the topic of this article, the CfP will end on December 1st to let us review the proposed talks, check with the speakers and prepare the schedule.

Don’t hesitate too long, please submit using

Sakila greetings !


FOSDEM 2018 – MySQL & Friends Devroom: CfP is open !

Good news ! The MySQL & Friends Devroom has been accepted for Fosdem’s 2018 edition !

This event is a real success story for the MySQL ecosystem, the content, the speakers and the attendees are growing every year.

Fosden 2018’s edition will take place 3rd & 4th February in Brussels and our MySQL & Friends devroom will run on Sunday 4th. FOSDEM & MySQL is a love story started 18 years ago !

The committee selecting the content for our devroom is not yet created and if you want to be part of this experience, just send me an email (candidate at mysqlandfriends dot eu) before Oct 20th .

If you want to join the Committee you have to align with the following conditions:

– planning to be present at FOSDEM
– having a link with MySQL’s Ecosystem
– have some time to review and rate talks
– be an ambassador for the event by promoting it

The Call for Paper is open, you can already submit your proposal using FOSDEM’s submission tool.

Marketing and sales talks are not welcome, focus on the engineering, the operations and of course the developers.

Don’t forget to specify the track (MySQL and Friends devroom) and set the duration to 20 mins (short but intense ;-) )!

Thank you, and see you soon in Brussels !


FOSDEM MySQL Community Dinner 2017 – Update

The FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Community Dinner 2017 is sold out. In the first 24 hours of opening up the registration for the dinner, we sold more than 40 of the 63 total tickets!

I quickly wanted to take some time again to thank our sponsors, who help keep this event possible and affordable:



Wondering how to get there from Fosdem?

The venue itself is located very close to the VUB. You can find the route to get there right here.

The total distance from the ULB campus is about 2.3km, so you could walk there, but it might be more comfortable to take the tram.

Tram 7 and 25 depart from the “Cambre Etoile” stop regularly (every few minutes), and will take you up to “Hansen-Soulie”, where you need to get out, and walk the remaining 200m. The tram ride takes about 9 minutes.

For the 63 people that were able to book a ticket for the dinner: see you on Saturday.

MySQL & Friends Community Dinner 2017 – Looking for sponsors

Hi dear MySQL Community,

I would like to start this post by saying thanks to our sponsors:

Unfortunately, we are missing one sponsor and to not increase the ticket price but at the same time keep the level of quality for food then promised and the same diversity for our world famous Belgian beer patrimony, we are still looking for one or two extra sponsors.

If you are interested, please contact @gryp, @dim0, @tomdecooman or myself and we already thank you in advance.

Don’t forget to register for the Community Dinner on eventbrite !

Oracle MySQL and its friends !